Monday, February 15, 2010

Fun B-day Invites! (or Seriously, You're Almost 3 Already??)

My daughter is turning 3 next month (!) and I had been debating about ordering birthday invitations for her little get-together. We're only having two families over, along with my parents and grandmother, so they really aren't necessary...but I've been thinking I'd really like to have one for the mini-album I plan to make. (Silly perhaps, but really no more so than planning my daughter's outfit around the patterned paper I plan to use for the album!) At any rate, I found Tiny Prints, who has the most darling cards at a really reasonable price and you can order as few as 10 cards--love it!

Here's a sample of what I chose (and this is perfect for my daughter as she is a bit over-the-top!):

Then, I just had to have the matching thank you notes and address labels...serious cuteness!

1 comment:

betsy said...

These are super cute!!!

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