Saturday, February 27, 2010

Books I Have Known

I'm about 20 pages away from finishing Pat Conroy's latest book "South of Broad". Another love letter to Charleston, it's been a great ride and I am a bit sad to be near the end. Since reading is such a big part of my life, I've decided I am going to document all the books I read in 2010. Nothing fancy--just a little 4X6 album with white pages, a picture of the front cover of each book and a few sentences containing my thoughts about the book. It will be interesting for me to look back in coming years to see what I was reading in 2010...and might give my kids some insight about their mom when they're older. (I am flattering myself that they will be interested!)

Here's the front of my simple little album:

And a sample of one of the pages:

I'd love to know what you're reading right now! Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I love this idea Erin, I think it is fab. I am currently reading Bill Bryson , Notes on a Small Island. He is American but has been living in England for the last 20 years. He decided to move back to America and had one last trek around England before he moves. He is so amusing and I find it very interesting to see how Americans view England and the English.
The only problem is, it seems to be taking me ages to finish. I just have a small reading 'window' in bed before sleep takes over!!!

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