Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Father's Day Mini-Album

I am really starting to get into this digital scrapbooking thing! I never thought it would be for me because I so love putting things together with my hands, but I am having a blast creating scrapbook pages with just my computer in front of me. No mess to clean up and I can do it anywhere in the house!

Here's are 2 pages from the little CD album I put together for Kent with pics of the kids. I chose this fab gray and yellow kit from Cori Gammon to create the pages. Hope he likes it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Girly Necklace!

As you may be able to tell from the lack of scrapbooking projects being posted, I am shifting my creative energies elsewhere at the moment. :) In a few weeks I will get back to my scrapbooking, I'm sure. (I think I did too much for a while there and just needed a little break!) I am loving making these little necklaces... definitely nothing fancy, but fun to wear! I have also been working on some digital scrapbooking, which I never thought I would get into--but I am loving the technical side of it! I will post some pics of the little album I am putting together for Father's Day later this week. Happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Go PINK necklace!

As I mentioned a few posts back, I am officially obsessed with these little "dangle line" necklaces! When a close friend of mine mentioned she needed a gift for a friend of hers who is a breast cancer survivor, I went right to work on this little bauble (I just love the blinged-out pink ribbon I found!):

Breast cancer is a disease that has touched our family significantly over the years. I am so very proud of my strong, beautiful aunts who have kicked breast cancer's butt. You guys are amazing!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Houston, we have a mohawk!

Cale has been contemplating getting a mohawk for the summer since some of his baseball teammates got them a week ago. I have been encouraging him to do it, mainly because I think his head will be cooler this summer without all that hair. So yesterday when I picked him up after work, he announced he was ready to take the plunge! We ran over to Sport Clips before he could change his mind and here are the results...I think it's darling! (Kent is less thrilled but seems to be coming around!)

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